Monday, September 13, 2010

Honeymoon: Day Five, CINQUE TERRE

Jessica, Sept 13 2010:

This is JK's day to write, but I wanted to add this: Everything is Beautiful.

Also, there are so many tourists, flooding off the train daily and walking - no, marching - two by two through the narrow streets with their matching binoculars and loud American accents. I thought today: What would this place be like without locals? Would it still be this place? Could the natural beauty and ancient culture survive? What is a place without its people?

Rules for Honeymoon:

1. Pick up a new language
2. Swim in the ocean every day
3. Drink a bottle of wine every night.
4. Laugh a lot
5. Make love every day. If you miss a day, repeat twice.
6. Eat cheese with every meal.

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